There have been some remarkable things done and said by President Obama since he's been in office. It's almost as if he wishes he was dictator of this great nation. Remember when he wished he could just order the banks to do what he wanted? How about his demagoguery concerning the financial sector and its pay? Then there's the time he fired the head of a private company, General Motors. Oh, yeah, that's after he nationalized it, um, I mean, after he bailed it out. How do you think the man he fired felt after devoting his life to that company? Lately, he's made the remark that he is going to "keep his boot on the throat of BP." Hmmm. What image comes to mind when you think of someone putting their boot on someone else's throat? Do you think he said that phrase by accident? He parses everything else carefully. So, anyway, I've been thinking about it, and I've realized there is a reason for all this. He's trying to channel a famous person from the past. Seriously! View the pictures connected to this post, and see if they don't bear a resemblance to each other.