Barack Obama has taken to uttering a metaphor over and over again that Republicans wrecked the economy with their policies, and he has likened their stewardship to driving a car into a ditch, the car being, of course, the economy. He says he took the keys and straightened everything out, and now "Republicans want the keys back." He finishes his speeches with the punch line, "Well, you can't have them back. We've seen this movie before."
I have a different take on it. With his work with Acorn and the Community Reinvestment Act, and the Democrats' refusal to investigate Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, you could make the case that it was the Democrats who sawed off the tie rods on the "car", causing it to wreck.

They then used the "wreck" to take the keys away, but look what has happened since the Democrats took control of Congress in 2006, and since the election of 2008, when they got super majorities. High unemployment, the housing sector crashed, runaway government spending, trillions of dollars in debt, a world that, even after multiple apologies, still doesn't respect us, and a pall of malaise which hangs over the nation.
So, yes, Mr. Obama, you took the keys. But you and your party are the ones who sabotaged the "car" in the first place. Now almost everyone agrees that you are driving the car off a cliff. It looks like voters are going to take the keys away in November and give them to the party they overwhelmingly trust more on a wide range of issues--the Republican party. The Democrats have now shown their true colors, and what they want to do to this country. They view themselves as an elite class of people who are the only ones who know what's "good" for the nation. The voters will decide in November which way they want to go. The Democrats are going to get wiped out.