Now that the "stimulus" is starting to be accounted for, we are beginning to see just what a boondoggle this whole sham really was. The money--your tax money--has been spent on everything from replacing windows in closed buildings to collecting ants. That's right. It was a total waste, and very little of it was used to actually stimulate the economy. It's no wonder it didn't work. A group led by Senator Tom Coburn has been looking into this unbelievably huge waste of taxpayer funds and has compiled a very interesting list. Check out where your money has gone:
I've said before that the money should have been spent on things like tax incentives to spur investment--the kinds of things that would have actually created jobs. However, in light of the fact that Democrats are now looking to spend more of your money on more "stimulus", I have a better idea. Let's just make up jobs! Do the math--$900 Billion dollars could put 7.5 MILLION people to work for three years at an average salary of $40000! Actually, since unemployment benefits wouldn't be needed, we could put them to work for longer! We'll task someone with making up job titles. For instance, maybe someone could count the number of commercials on TV (Commercial Counter), and someone else could see just how many potato chips come in each bag depending on brand (Director of Chip Accountability)! These people would spend money, thereby stimulating their local economies, and they would pay taxes as well, thereby bringing some of the money home so Congress can waste it too!
If this sounds ludicrous, that's because it is. This is why government should not get into the business of trying to create jobs--because the list you will access if you click the link above is what you get when you have hundreds of Democrats trying to micro-manage the economy. Let's get it right, cut taxes on capital gains and investment and get this country rolling again. Who cares how mosquitoes breed?