First of all, Mr. Trump acknowledges in the statement that there are good people among the illegals pouring across our border, but he also states there are murderers, rapists, and drug dealers among them. That has since proven to be true, as thousands of crimes have been committed in America by illegal immigrants. Second, where does he say anything racist? Since when does speaking truth make someone a bigot? And this brings me to the point of this article.
It has become apparent to me that the majority in this country has been cowed and intimidated and suppressed by a small elite bent on determining how everyone will act, speak, and even think. Don't agree with the gay agenda? You're a bigot whose career and reputation must be ruined. You think Bruce Jenner dressing like a woman is weird? You're a hater and there is something wrong with you. You think "all lives matter?" You're a racist. You think that abortion is the murder of a human being? You're anti-women. The way the left has directed the national conversation on all these issues has been done purposefully to shame and ruin anyone who doesn't go along with their agenda. Then in steps Donald Trump. He says what he thinks. While the left pretends to be horrified by his words, calling him "racist" and his followers "brownshirts," in fact what they are horrified by is that he is breaking down in weeks the machinery of suppression the left has spent decades building. He is undoing what was to be the framework of a 1984-like state. Donald Trump is the only one on the stage talking about beginning national security at the border. He's the only one on the stage with the economic know-how to get the economy humming again. However, while I support him because of those issues, my number one reason for supporting him is that he is the man who is going to save free speech in this country. The left has been trying to set up a Stalinist state, where even a wrongly spoken word can ruin a person. Mr. Trump, through his words and actions, is quickly destroying that, and while the left is aghast at what he is doing and is trying every ploy they can to bring him down, he continues to just shrug them off. So, while he is speaking of things which I support, such as sealing our border, it is because he is speaking of these things that I support him. After all, do we want a president who will unlock the manacles of suppression the left has created, or do we want a president who will act like Joseph Stalin, the man who made certain speech and thought crimes punishable by the state? The choice couldn't be more clear.