Okay, I can't take it anymore. Every time I access a web page or turn on the TV, somebody from the left is talking about how "misguided" and "wrong" the new Arizona law on immigration is. Arizona's governor and legislature even backtracked a little and within two days passed a "fix" which makes it a crime to profile. I've seen the signs being held by the protesters calling the law "unfair" and "racist". I think the law is a great idea, for what has been going on is unprecedented in the history of the world. Never has any nation allowed what really is an invasion of their country and survived. We won't survive either unless we do something. Arizona, a state on the front lines of this problem, is trying to do something.
We have, by most conservative estimates, approximately twelve million illegal aliens here in this country. Yes, that's right, twelve million. It's probably more than that, but hey, who's counting? They don't pay taxes because they aren't about to file tax returns--the government would catch them here and send them back. Most get paid in cash by employers who, through their own greed and need for cheap labor, turn a blind eye to their status, and therefore become complicit in this illegal activity. However, they do use the services that all the rest of us taxpayers pay for. They drive on our roads, they attend our schools, which are hamstrung by the fact that they can't ask people their immigration status (is that crazy or what?!), and they suck up services such as free and reduced lunches. If that was the only problem, I feel we could deal with that. However, there is also a very high incidence of crime associated with people here illegally. In my opinion, the main problem is just that--they are here illegally--they have broken the law while hundreds of thousands if not millions of others wait in line like they're supposed to.
It is the federal government's responsibility, as we have heard many times since this story broke, to police this problem. What's wrong with this notion is that the federal government hasn't done that. Pat Buchanan wrote a brilliant op/ed piece on this very issue for World Net Daily. You can read it at:
So, because the federal government wasn't doing anything, Arizona decided it would. And what is it they have done? They have given the police the power to check when they suspect they are dealing with someone here illegally. How is this racist? How is this wrong? Don't we allow the police the power to check anytime a crime is suspected? Remember, these people are here illegally. A person who is here legally might be checked, as are people who are not guilty of a crime are all the time. That's part of investigating crimes. That person will then be let go. How is it wrong? Is it now wrong to enforce the laws of the United States of America? Is it wrong to want the millions here illegally, who take jobs from those here legally and who use services they don't pay for, to leave and, if they want to return, to wait in line like everyone else? Is it wrong to try to stop the invasion which is happening and to try to protect the safety and security of our great country? I hope it isn't, but to some people you would think so.
This goes back to what I've said before. The Democrats want the votes these people represent. They want to make them legal. They are willing to sacrifice the security of this nation for political gain. I don't say just stop the invasion. I say close the borders, put the military down there if necessary, and send back all those who have broken the law back where they came from. I've heard the argument that these people do the nasty jobs others won't do, but I think that is an invalid argument. There are either Americans here willing to do that, or LEGAL immigrants waiting to get in who will work those positions. The Arizona bill isn't racist, and it isn't anti-Hispanic. It is anti-lawbreaker, however. I just wish that our federal government would get serious about this problem. Then we wouldn't need states like Arizona to assume the mantle of protecting this country, although so far I'm glad they have. Or maybe the left is correct and we should leave the people in these pictures alone. They're not doing anything wrong...
Everyone keeps calling the Arizona law racist. It's not about race but about country of origin. No American can go to Europe, Mexico, etc. without papers and you can't even get a temporary job in many European countries if you are not a citizen. So now Arizona finally decides enough is enough, good for them. The costs of law enforcement, translators for illegal immigrants picked up for crime, jail costs, medical costs, education costs, loss of tax revenue and violence pure and simple, they are fed up and I don't blame them.
ReplyDeleteI agree. And the point is that they are here illegally. All Arizona is trying to do is ENFORCE THE LAW.