It came out the other day that the health bill actually has $115 BILLION more in discretionary spending in it than what the CBO estimated before the bill passed just a month ago. While I think it is probably more desirable that we the people should actually have this knowledge when debating a bill, it should probably be considered necessary that the people in Congress have this information. Beyond all that, though, is a far larger problem in my mind. That is the fact that it appears that this administration, and yes, this president, will lie and shade the truth over and over again to get its programs passed. Okay, I realize I can't just say that without giving examples. So, here are some examples:
We will close Gitmo within one year.
Status: Gitmo currently remains open, mainly because nobody thought about what we'd do with the people there. Nobody wants them, and now we're even having an argument about where to try them.
We will pay for health care with $500 Billion dollars in fraud and waste in the Medicare system.
Status: Even if health care hadn't passed, shouldn't we be rooting out a half trillion dollars of fraud and waste? If this was recognized early on, shouldn't we have done something right away? There has been no effort whatsoever to root out a half trillion dollars in "waste and fraud".
I will reach across the aisle to work with the opposition.
Status: A token gesture was made during the health care debate, but it was obvious that it amounted to a photo op, as the mantra seemed to be, "My way or the highway." Listen to today's rhetoric: It is the Republicans' fault, they drove this economy into a ditch. We're not giving back the keys," etc., etc.
We have been on this (oil spill) since day one.
Status: This is blatantly false, as articles in several papers have pointed out.
I never had contact with Governor Blagojevich.
Status: There are literally dozens of pictures of the two in numerous different places and circumstances.
I wasn't there when Reverend Wright spoke of these things:
Status: So the president went to the same church for twenty years and never once heard Wright's vitriolic message? Does anyone really believe this?
I will accept federal campaign money and spending limits.
Status: After John McCain gave his word that he would too, then candidate Obama reneged on his promise and went on to garner almost 3/4 of a billion dollars in campaign contributions. He was also the #1 recipient of money from BP, a company whose oil rigs were then passed over for environmental inspection by the Obama administration. Hmmm...why is nobody investigating this?
And this one today: After announcing steep cuts in the New York City federal terrorism budget, Obama today announced to the city police and firefighters (as reported by CBS reporter Hazel Sanchez), "And we want to make sure that we continue to work with you to get the resources that are needed for you to continue to be effective." In other words, he is talking our of both sides of his mouth once again. This kind of double talk has become commonplace with this president.
I could literally sit here and type for hours with all the lies that have been told by this administration. All administrations tend to fudge the truth sometimes, but when it is done so blatantly and with such little regard for what already might be out there on YouTube or elsewhere, it really shows the disdain with which this administration and this president truly hold the people.
How about the one where he says he won't raise anybody's taxes? Now his deficit commission is recommending just that, and he says he is going to follow the commission's recommendations. This is all Kabuki theatre for the stupid masses, which is what he thinks the people are.