An earlier post listed many of the lies told by this president and this administration, and it also remarked that these lies are told with no regard for what truths might already be out there on YouTube or some other forum, which shows just how stupid this president thinks the people of America are. I ran out of space with that post, so I'm continuing with the "lie listings" in this post. So, here are a few more whoppers told by Mr. Obama:
Lie--"I will be a force to bring the nation together."
Truth--In truth, this is one of the most partisan presidents ever. He consistently refers to Republicans as "them" and, in today's Washington Post is quoted as saying, "Republicans talking about deficits is like an arsonist talking about fire safety." A good sound bite, but is there really a comparison? Obama excoriated George Bush for running a $450B deficit, but his budget blueprint shows deficits well in excess of $1T for at least a decade. The real point, however, is that Obama has absolutely no bipartisan bones in his body. It's his way or the highway. Thankfully, it looks like it's the Democrats who will be taking to the highway come fall.
Lie--"We're doing everything we can to stop the leak."
Truth--The truth is that Obama has played golf at least 8 times since the leak began, and he's taken three vacations since April! He has also had several parties at the White House, including hosting Paul McCartney and, tonight, there will be a show for the Tony awards. In my opinion he doesn't want the leak stopped until it totally destroys the lifestyles of those in the Gulf--then he can put them on the dole and control them better. After all, they don't really like Barack Obama down there. A recent poll shows the people think Bush did a much better job on Katrina than Obama is doing on the oil spill.
Lie--"If you like your current health insurance policy, you can keep it."
Truth--Now that they are starting to write the regulations, we're seeing how much of a lie this actually was. They have put stringent rules on all the grandfathered policies, making it almost impossible that they won't become subject to review and control by the administration. For instance, I don't know the exact numbers, but if your copay rises by 5%, then your policy loses its grandfathered status and comes under control of the bureaucracy. The government itself now estimates that up to 80% of private plans will eventually go away and the people in those plans will be forced into the government insurance program.
Lie--"The individual mandate is NOT a tax!"
Truth--This was another lie told over and over and over again when the sales schtick for health care was at a fever pitch. Now the administration is battling lawsuits over the mandate, for where in the Constitution does it say the government can force anyone to pay for a private service? Their tack in court, however, is that the mandate IS a tax, and therefore the government has the authority to impose it and collect it. He was supposedly a Harvard law professor (wonder if this is true?), so he should have known this up front.
Lie--"I don't want to control the automobile business."
Truth--The fact is that the control of the business was used to great Democrat advantage. On top of that, he installed a car "czar", answerable to nobody, who calls the shots on who gets paid what. The unions were given a huge stake in Chrysler and GM, and the Chrysler dealerships which were closed were done so in a very partisan manner--a recent study shows that almost 100% of the closed dealerships had given money to Republican candidates. This is the kind of thing done by Stalin. Thank you Ford for not taking the money and keeping at least one part of the industry free. Question: if he doesn't want control of the auto industry, why not sell the shares, take the loss or gain, and get the hell out?
OOOPS! I've run out of space again. As I said before, I could literally write for hours about all the lies told by this administration and this president. However, then nobody would read it! So, yes, there will be a future post continuing this train of thought....
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