If you've read any of my posts, you've probably figured out that I think Obama and all his plans for American are a problem. Now I'm switching gears on this blog and I'm going to start discussing solutions to some of our problems. The first thing I want to talk about is legalizing marijuana. It should be done immediately in my opinion.
If pot were legalized, think of the problems it would cure. First of all, all the drug wars over pot would immediately cease. If the government regulated and taxed it, much as hard liquor already is, then it would be legal if bought in sanctioned stores and illegal everywhere else, much like bootleg liquor. This would lead to a situation where nobody would buy from the cartels anymore, and a huge source of their income would immediately dry up. So you would take a huge bite out of crime, and you would have a taxable commodity which could also be controlled more readily, since presumably people would have to be 21 to buy it. That's not to say kids would never get their hands on it, but this setup would greatly reduce that possibility. So control is a big argument for legalizing pot, but the taxation factor may be even bigger.
In our cash-strapped times, states are looking for any way possible to raise revenue. However, most traditional sources are getting tapped out--there are only so many taxes you can make up to hit the rich with, and sooner or later you'll destroy the wealthy class (maybe that's Obama's plan!). Once that happens, then who's going to pay for all the programs? But with the legalization of marijuana, states would have a new huge revenue stream. So, by legalizing pot, we would solve several big problems our country is facing. We would immediately put a huge hit on the drug cartels and virtually eliminate a whole class of crime. Our jails would then be less full because they wouldn't have to have pot users in them, and they could be used to rehabilitate and incarcerate real criminals. Lastly, we would have a huge new revenue stream to help with eliminating our deficits at the state and county levels.
Pot is also a drug which does little damage. It doesn't make people violent. It doesn't make people steal. It doesn't wreck livers and kidneys. It makes people mellow, and in our tightly wound society, where it seems that many people are living right on the edge and are ready to snap at any moment, that might be the best thing of all.